Hope you've all had a good one and got lots of cool R2 related things for Christmas. If not, ask for gift receipts and see if you can exchange them for something at least Star Wars related!
With the big C day and my birthday over the last couple of weeks, I've not had much chance to do anything on R2.
Haha, yeah right!
First up, remember I wanted to redesign the motor brackets? Well, I played around with a few ideas (the U channel for example) and then an idea struck me like a 1.21 Jiggawatt lightning bolt!
So, I got all busy on Alibre design and created the plate that I would need to hold them.
The large holes at the bottom are for the motor shaft to go through. The holes around it are the mounting screws.
Then, the center most hole and the two holes in the bottom corner are for mounting spacers to, where another matching plate screws to. The large hole at the top is for cables to pass through (in hindsight, I should have made this a channel rather than a hole so that the plate can drop out). Then the top center hole is for the ankle bolt. The remaining three holes are for holding it down while machining :)
The reason I opted for all 4 plates to be the same is simply for ease of machining. Added bonus is that they're light weight ;)
They work beautifully!
I've also worked with Brad to make my PS2 controller wireless using Xbees!! All is working very well with it so far, except the screen. But that's another story :)
More updates to follow, but wanted to update the blog before the year ends :)
Hope you all have a good New Years Eve!
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