Monday, 21 January 2013

Another catch up post!

I seem to be able build quicker than I can blog!

I've been meaning to let you guys have an update one whats been going on but things keep getting in the way.  Had to make an exception for my last blog post and give away a picture of improvements on R2 with out sharing what I'd done :)  Let's remedy that!

So first of all, I've been cutting skins!

Yes skins!  I have already cut the inner skin, which leave just the outer skin - so how can this be possible?

Yeah - R2 isn't the only one with skin :(  Though at this rate he will end up with more than me!

I was originally planning on using aluminium outer skins, but to be honest I don't think it would have added anything.  It would also have caused a major headache trying to attach them properly.  So I opted for stryene outers :)  It's not a total waste, as I wanted a slight variation of the original R2-D2.

I want him to be close enough that people would recognise him and wan't pictures, but different enough so that people could spot him and say "Ah, that's the awesome R2 that belongs to the fantastic and incredibly handsome James!  Look at his stumpy thumbs!"

So the outer skin was fun to attach.  I taped it down all over to begin with so it was a tight fit in the right place.  Then I started from one side, removing the tape and squeezing down superglue in the gaps, then re taping it down.  It took an evening to do and the finish worked out great!


As you can see above :)  

I was also getting fed up with wires.  So I re-did R2's electronics board.  Everything is in pretty much the same place, but there's now holes in the board so wires can tuck in behind the board and keep out of site.  It still looks a bit of a mess, but it's much nicer.

I mentioned my aluminium dome arrived.

Ta-da!  B-E-A-Utiful!  But that's not for this droid.  That will be for droid 2!

I've also been working on the utility arm carriers.  That's a job I've been putting off.  But I cheated and used the CNC machine and  that made me happy :)

The extra spacers on the sides are explained in the video :) Watch and learn kids, watch and learn!

So, hopefully that's everything I've missed so far this year.  10 seconds from now, when I've hit that button, I know I'll remember something I've missed!

Will keep you all updated :)

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