Well, after receiving a nice bundle of leg parts through the post, I gave them a test fit :)
The shoulder button I made (only one so far :( ), I tapped the back of it to M4, and then used some M4 threaded rod in the back so I can effectively use this as a fancy bolt to hold the horseshoe on.
I'm a genius, I know. Don't worry about over stating it in the comments, I'll just get embarrassed!
I did similar for the shoulder hydraulics, except I used a 4.2mm clearance hole in legs so that I can bold it from the other side with a nut.
It feels great to see the leg beefing out now. The boosters, hydraulics, struts, buttons, cylinders etc really beef it out and make it look the part.
I guess that my smile is responsible for the sun coming out the next few days. It's kinda like a super power I have.
With the good weather, the primer and spray paint came out. The boosters were already primed, and I got to spray them silver ready for some more Dykem blue.
For once, the picture doesn't do it justice. It's usually the other way around!
And I mean hey, if Valisk can get a zillion comments about a splash of paint, I'm looking at ATLEAST a zillion and 4 comments. (Come on guys, help me out here!)
Getting all excited about painting, I decided it's about time I pain the whole body and legs :) I'm *this* close to having the exterior of B4 finished now.
A lot of parts have little uglies in. There's parts that needed filling all over, so I got some P38 and went at them with a generous pasting. Now that they've dried, I've sanded them back and got a nice flat surface to paint over.
So now R2 is in as many pieces as possible. A couple of the doors will be a nightmare to get off, and the power coupler is fixed, so I've just covered them with tape.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand the suns gone :(
If you'd like to see more progress, recommend this blog to a friend and get people subscribing. This will make me very happy and the weather will turn tropical :) It's good for everyone :)
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