Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Lots of events, and celeb status!

If you hadn't heard the name "James Short" (commonly known as Captain Wow) before, you probably have now.  I'm pretty famous now you know?

And the fame keeps rolling in...


So, what do we do in the UK R2D2 builders club, besides come up with misleading names about our group?

While Brad tried to hog the spotlight, notice the wise editing choice to keep R2-B4 in frame as muc has possible.  Good work lads, good work.

So May the 4th I went to Kent with R2 on board and made a bunch of kids happy :) I love this job.  I met some great people on the day, including Anthony Forrest (These aren't the droids we're looking for!) and was awarded a medal of awesomeness (original issued after the battle of Yavin) for my incredible contribution to the Astromech scene

The next day Legoland had R2 booked for their May the fourth event (I begged them to let me in)

Unfortunately I don't have many pics of my R2 there, but I do have this adorable video :)


Next up on R2's World Tour of South East England, we had the COO of my company drop in for a visit :)  This guy is a hero, he's shaken hands with Ronald Reagan and had his picture hanging in the Whitehouse!  Obviously, I didn't need to interview and ask him what the highlight of his career has been so far to know that it was meeting R2 

After chilling with the celebs and soaking in the limelight, R2 chillaxed with his bro's for the second Celebration UK 2.0 while some budding photographers took dramatic angled photos.

After all the excitement of the past couple of weeks, R2 has had an accident :(

Before we get flooded with get well cards, don't worry - he's on the mends :) He currently has a broken center foot.  From all the kids leaning on him, the plastic that supports the caster in the center foot has snapped.

Seen here, largely exacerbated by my "mending hands".

I'm working on this at the moment - 2 weeks till his next event, but I have plans on making him better and stronger than before.

Stay tuned and hit the subscribe button for instant updates from everyone's favorite blogger :)

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