Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Time to revisit the legs... at last!

Something I've been meaning to do for a while now is re-do these legs.

Inspired by MonsieurTox's build, I wanted to add some Aluminium square to the legs to give extra strength.  Hopefully, when people lean on him, he'll be able to take the extra strain.  And it should also help with the wobble that he does when turning at the moment!

So, I tried printing the plans out on A4 and sticking them together.  These plans were a nightmare to line up correctly, I tried printing in both landscape and portrait to give me more reference points to line up with, and using the window as a light box to see through the paper - but they're impossible.  The accuracy just doesn't cut it.

So I ordered them on A1 again :)  I can use what I have printed already to plan things out while I wait for them.

My initial thought was to bolt through the leg to body shoulder holes and in to the square like in the above.  However, this will cause me issues with fitting the hubs in.  On top of that, I would need to remake the leg to body shoulders to have longer bolts, as they wouldn't reach all the way through.

So the new plan is to lower these slightly, and use a piece of aluminium plate (perhaps 4mm?) to mount into the leg to body shoulders, and then bolt these aluminium squares a bit further down (like above).  This will give the rigidity I need still, and allow the hubs to be fitted.

The square I have in the picture is 20mm, the stuff I've ordered (and just received) is 25mm.  Oops!  Nevermind, an extra 5 mm will still fit, but I could run out of space in here reeeeaaalll fast.  (points for spotting the quote ;) ).  The piece of plastic in the picture is the height that I have to play with, so I should be able to cram it all in there still :)

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