Monday, 16 April 2012

And then...


Last night I got to test out the router table.  I had a few issues though!

I have a 2.4mm router bit for my rough cut and 3.2mm for my final cut.  When I placed the first piece on the table it was clear that the 2.4mm bit was cutting to the line (trying to figure out where I went wrong here)

The 2.4mm bit is also the wrong type

This meant that my Styrene was taking too much friction, causing too much heat and then melting resulting in this

Fortunately though, the Styrene has a film on this side which made removing the melted plastic easy.  I then filed down the edge slightly and it came out looking pretty decent.

I'm going to have to go back to the drawing board with the router table though.  I may be able to make a new attachment for the actual router to move it along by 1mm, giving me enough room to use the proper 3.2 mm bit I have.  I'll figure it out ;)

So moving on from the router table, I also started on the uprights which glue to the base plate.

I cut each template out and left about 1mm gap between each piece on the plastic to give me enough room to score, snap and file.

Once all the pieces had been cut (slightly bigger than the template) I clamped them together and filed them down to the same size.

It's important to get the length of these pieces matching as this will keep R2's body straight.

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