Monday, 16 April 2012

Just keep posting!


Only had Sunday free this weekend, but here's the progress!

Glued the first set of uprights in to place!  I've been using the sides of my set squares as it has more surface area pressing against the upright

Not sure if you can tell in the picture above - the uprights aren't facing exactly to the center like they should.  What's happened is, when I drilled my center hole in the base plate, the hole wasn't perfectly central to the plans.  Because of this, when I scored the guide lines for these they're slightly out.  I didn't notice this until gluing on the second ring

At this point it was too late to be pulling it apart, the parts were solidly stuck so had to make a choice between starting again or carrying on.  I went with carrying on, and decided I'll just have to build another one in the future ;)

So I pressed on...

...And here's how it looks after the weekend.

It feels structurally sounds and I'm very pleased with it.  The alignment of the uprights is going to niggle at me but so long as it doesn't interfere with anything I'm confident that it's going to be a worthy enough frame.  I'm just always going to know that under the skin it's not exactly how I wanted it, until I build my next one of course!

Hats off to Dave Everett.  When I first saw the plans I thought they'd be great to work with, but having used them now and getting into building it, I realize they're fantastic!  Very easy to follow and the tutorials are a big help.

I owe him a beer.

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